Doctor, Doctor...!
Plenty of Medical Staff in school to celebrate International Nurses' Day
It has been great to see all the Infants learning all about the history of nursing and finding out all they can on Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and Edith Cavell. Not only have the staff been instructing them all about these inspirational historic figures, but they have also had a history workshop with East Norfolk Sixth Form College. The good thing is they children have shown how much they have retained the information by creating fact-files about it all.
In the next couple of weeks, the Year 2 children will be carrying out their Key Stage One SATs and whilst these are still very important for the school and for the children to show off how much they know, they are not important enough to get all worried or stressed about. We simply ask the pupils to attend, apply their best efforts and follow the instructions they are given. I am sure they will all do their very best.
I am hoping to hold a biscuit making session with our Infant Leaders next week. These biscuits will be decorated to raise the importance of ensuring our local seal population survives and people do not discard their plastic pollution into the seas. I have no doubt they will taste and look lovely. We will then put them on sale before and after school with all funds raised going to the Horsey Seals charity. The proceeds will be presented when we go to the beach for a beach clean in the middle of June.
Well done to the Caterpillar class for winning the attendance race for that week with 99%. Dragonflies were a close second.
Have a lovely weekend everyone and stay safe.