Jubilee send off for half-term
Queen's Platinum Jubilee is celebrated on the field!
This week, before the half-term, has been crazily busy. The preparations for the joint celebrations to commemorate the Queen's jubilee have taken their time, but the efforts from both school staff, parents and PTFA members has enabled the event to be a success. Thank you so much to all who have contributed to helping us raise a huge amount of £560.
The class winning the Attendance Race is Ladybirds, once again, with 98%. Well done to them, but sadly Bumble Bees came in at 77%.
The Year 2 children have now all finished their Key Stage 1 SATS and I have no doubt they all tried their very best and have done well. They can now look forward to their residential to How Hill at the end of the term.
We return on Monday 6th June, so have a wonderfully relaxed half-term everyone.