Filby House win Sports' Day
Filby House is victorious on Sports' Day!
Transition day took place on Monday and it was great for the children to see their new class staff. It was also great to see Mrs. Allen visit, as she has been off poorly, to spend some time with her new class. Our new Reception cohort came in too in two different groups, which helped staff and children get to know each other a little better. It was a beneficial day.
Well done to Filby House who were fortunate enough to win Sports' Day in the sunshine after it had to be postponed from the previous day due to the rain. It was a very closely run morning between three of the House teams, but Filby managed to hold off the challenge from the others. It was a fantastic morning, which everyone enjoyed and we were very grateful for the support from families and from our Junior Leadership Team, who helped score and demonstrate the events to the younger children.
I have really enjoyed going outside this week with Caterpillar class who were engaged in more outdoor learning building shelters. They were extremely creative and used some fabulous teamwork to build a few examples. We had children explaining how they might light a fire, how they could use different branches to support tarpaulins and what type of fixings would work best to hold things together. It was very rewarding.
End of year reports are going on Friday so I hope you all value what positive and constructive messages the staff have written about your children and support us by working on any suggested improvements.
Next week, we have our Summer Fayre on Friday 12th July from 3:30pm at the Junior school, so please show your support for our Federation by visiting and enjoying the variety of stalls on offer.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone where I hope you will all be cheering on England to victory in the Euros.