Nurture Time!
New Nurture Area is taking shape for our Infant pupils!
It has been another busy week and I am pleased to say the sun is shining as we welcome in the weekend. From the picture above, you can see that our old Computing Suite has been emptied and re-decorated in readiness for it to be converted into a Nurture space. We now look forward to beautifying the area with colourful appeal and adding some supportive, sensory and therapeutic capacity. It will also be a calming room to host meetings in with families and/or external specialists. Our Infant Leadership Team has been tasked with naming the area appropriately and enabling staff to dedicate a theme to it.
Ladybirds, finally, took the attendance victory narrowly beating Bumblebees to the title. Well done to these classes.
The pupils were so brave on Monday when they had their flu vaccinations. I do not think there was one distressed child to calm.
On Wednesday and Thursday Dragonflies and Bumblebees took themselves to Barton Broad to learn about the nature found there and how and why the Broads were created. Great to hear so many of our children retaining prior learning from the class teaching, behaving so well and linking their knowledge to other areas. The photos from the trip for both classes will be on our Photo Gallery page soon.
It has been a pleasure to share the certificates for the children who managed to achieve the Summer Reading Challenge. We cannot stress enough the importance of reading with and to your children.
Next week, we are commemorating Mental Health Awareness Day so do not forget to wear something yellow to accompany your uniform on Monday, we have our M&M Productions of the Secret Garden on Wednesday and Friday sees a non-uniform day in return for Harvest Festival donations.
Have a great weekend everyone.