Welcome Back to Autumn Two!
Autumn Two begins in earnest!
Welcome back to the new half-term. It has been pleasing to see so many raring to go again after the break. This half-term is always eventful with Christmas only a few weeks away.
Our very own Mrs. Davis has been amazing in helping to paint murals on the walls of our new H.I.D.E. facility and I have been busy purchasing items to inside the room to make it a lovely, calm space for our pupils to use.
This week has seen some very unfortunate weather, which did not, however, dampen the mood of the children and staff at all. I have been impressed by the attainment from the Little Wandle Phonics programme, where many children have retained their learning and applied this to their reading contexts. Mrs. Vaughan, Miss.McMylor and I were thrilled. Well done to everyone!.
Our safety committee has undertaken a safety I.D. lanyard check on staff this afternoon as part of their role. It was all completed as a little bit of fun, but highlights the importance of ensuring all staff are wearing their badges. The pupils reported positively back to me. They were also keen to tell me who was not wearing their lanyard.
Lots of good work has continued to take place over the course of the week and I have enjoyed waking around and seeing the Maths being taught using many different manipulatives, hearing the early reading Phonics sessions, not to mention, the individual readers and the sports being taught by Premier. Great job everyone!
Next week, we have our Federation and community Remembrance event taking place on Friday 11th at 11am around the village memorial. If any parents are passing at that time, please feel free to join in with us. Last year's event was a real success and a moving occasion. Hopefully, the weather will remain dry and our school will again be commended on our pupils' amazing behaviour.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!