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Snow and Ice

Snowfall excites the pupils!

Snow fell this week for the first time this season and the excitement levels of the children and some staff (Mrs. Stokes) went through the ceiling. Sadly, a deep frost followed and made some of the roads and paths in and around the school extremely slippery for cars and pedestrians. Fear not, our caretaker has gritted pathways for access, but there are still many patches of ice. Please be extremely careful. When the ice has melted, we will ensure the children can return to the playgrounds to burn off some energy. Please also ensure you are sending your children to school with overcoats, jumpers, scarves, hats and gloves, in order to keep them warm. 

I was thrilled to see the amount of parents who attended the Year 1 reading cafe run by Mrs. Vaughan earlier in the week. It means such a lot to be able to explain to our families how modern schools teach reading to the children. This enables our parents to be able to support what we are doing in the home and ultimately improve our children's reading abilities as they journey through the school. Mrs. Vaughan is leading a similar reading cafe for Year 2 parents on Wednesday 27th November at 2:45pm, next week. We would love to see as many of you there as possible. 

It has also been a pleasure to pop into classes on my learning walk this week to look at examples of how writing is being taught to our children. I shall continue this next week too. The importance of teaching the foundations of writing.

Our Christmas play rehearsals are in full swing and the air is filled with the music and singing of the pupils. I am sure it will be great when the performance date arrives. 

Next week on Tuesday, we have a combination of twelve Years 1 and 2 pupils attending the Speed Stacking carousel of activities at ENSFC. On Wednesday, as I have already mentioned, we have the Year 2 reading cafe for parents at 2:45pm. On Friday, our Year 1 class will be travelling to the Norwich Cathedral to learn more about Edith Cavell. 

Have a great weekend everyone!