On the Mend!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder!
Apologies for my enforced absence this week, but whatever virus I contracted certainly caused me to be knocked for six. It is never ideal to be unwell, because it means leaving the team a man short increasing their workload. However, they have all worked amazingly to manage all issues that came their way.
I am told the PTFA midweek movie was a great success and combined with the Junior school raised £300. Thank you for all the payments helping us to raise these funds.
Friday was also enrichment day with Premier Sports, who provided each class with a workshop in cheerleading. The children enjoyed themselves, especially when they were put in small groups to put together different routines. Well done everyone!
We return after half-term on Monday 24th February, where I certainly hope to be fully fit again.
Have a lovely Valentine's Day everyone and a relaxing half-term.