Our Governors
We have a fantastic Governing Body who keep a watchful eye over all that we do. They are in place to be a 'critical friend'. This means that they have the tricky job of constantly asking challenging questions about every aspect of school.
In accordance with statutory requirements, the main functions of Ormesby Village Schools Federation's Governing Body are;
- To ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
- To hold the Headteacher and leaders to account for performance of the school;
- To ensure effective and efficient use of school funds.
- Headteacher: Mr. Bradley Young
- Co-Opted Governor - Chair of Governors – Parent Governor: Mrs. Lauren Gardiner (Safeguarding & Community)
- Staff Governor: Mrs. Elizabeth Angel (Curriculum)
- Parent Governor: Mrs. Jessica Cleevely (SEND, Community and Leadership and Management)
- Local Authority Governor & Vice-Chair of Governors: Mr. Clive Sillitoe (Safeguarding, Finance, Pupil Premium & Resources)
- Co-Opted Governor: Mr. Anthony O’Connor (Community)
- Co-Opted Governor: Miss. Annette McMylor (Safeguarding, Curriculum & Leadership and Management)
- Clerk to Governors: Mrs. Rebecca Blakeway-Long (Educator Solutions Administration)
- The Governing Board has 10 positions; 7 are filled and there are currently 3 vacancies:
- Co-opted Governors – 3 filled and 2 vacancies
- Headteacher – 1 filled
- Local Authority Governor – 1 filled
- Parent Governors – 1 filled and 1 vacancy
- Staff Governor – 1 filled
To discharge the duties of governance, the governors have delegated responsibilities through committees:
- Finance Committee – Clive Sillitoe and Bradley Young
- Teaching and Learning Committee – Annette McMylor
- Community Committee – Lauren Gardiner, Jessica Cleevely and Anthony O’ Connor
- Personnel & Resources Committee – Clive Sillitoe, Jessica Cleevely and Anthony O’ Connor
In addition to the committees above, governors will meet as a panel to hear Appeals, undertake Headteacher Performance Management Review, and consider pupil discipline issues.
Governors make decisions collectively, but have individual responsibilities in relation to statutory requirements and curriculum subjects.
All of our meetings this year have been quorate. Committees meet at least termly, with the Full Governing Board meeting half-termly.
As we are a small Governing Body, we do not feel that it is appropriate to report on personal information relating to diversity. At Ormesby Village Infant and Junior Schools Federation, we believe that when people feel respected and included, they can be more creative, innovative and successful. Whilst we recognise we have more work to do to advance diversity and inclusion, we are always working to move our Federation of Schools forward.
Our work this year has really focussed on supporting our Headteacher, school leaders and children to achieve our SIDP vision and achievement targets; to become the best school we possibly can. We have concentrated on supporting our school leaders to prepare for another progressive academic year and we make sure that we as a Governing Body are ready to support in any way we can as the "critical friend."
Each Governor has a role and leads the accountability for a topic / policy area for e.g. Safeguarding or SEND. Governors come into school at least once a term, for example for Challenge Days, to see staff and pupils about different areas of the school. Governors are asked to write a brief report about their visit to inform the Governing Body of any issues. This might include the need for further resources or a change to policy. We think that this approach supports and strengthens our ability to challenge school leaders and ensure good use of resources.
This has included;
- Refining data and bringing together data to show pupil progress.
- Ensuring Governors understand the different data that is presented to us and the main trends and stories for our school. We have shared and analysed data in many different ways and have levelled challenge regarding it towards our school leaders.
- Supported the external validation of our school leading up to Ofsted.
- We have supported the Headteacher in decisions to ensure the quality of teaching at our school is of the highest standard; investing in mixed-age and single form entry classes depending on the pupil numbers of each school; interventions and organisation of staff members to ensure that skills and experience were placed where they are most needed.
- We have recently approved of the manner in which our Sports' Premium and Pupil Premium monies are being spent and challenged the legacy of the spend.
- We agreed to redesign the way our schools taught Phonics and Writing and implemented new initiatives to enhance the learning provision in these areas for our pupils.
- In terms of budget and resources, our priority is to ensure both school sites are enhanced aesthetically and the Federation receives value for money regarding existing services and subscriptions.
- Safeguarding and making sure that our safeguarding and SEND procedures continue to be robust and to the highest standard has been another regular key area of focus for the governing body.
- Supporting the Headteacher and staff to maintain a positive well-being.
We will continue to challenge and support the school in their drive towards being the best they can be, in particular, to support the Headteacher in their role as a local leader and to develop an improvement plan with the best interests of the children at the centre. We are going to be expanding the skillset of the current Governing Body via recruitment and further training. This will enable us to have an even stronger understanding of improvement across the school.
Please feel free to come and speak to the Governors at any time about any concerns you may have.
If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors, please write an email addressed to office@ormesbyinfant.norfolk.sch.uk or office@ormesbyjunior.norfolk.sch.uk marking in the subject reference, "CONFIDENTIAL CHAIR"
For further detailed information regarding the responsibilities and interests of our Governors, please see the attached document and table below.
Full Name |
Category |
Date of Appointment |
End of Term Office |
Pecuniary & Material Interests |
Roles & Responsibilities |
Roles on Other Governing Bodies |
Attendance Record 2024-2025 |
Clive Sillitoe |
Vice-Chair of Governors |
14/04/2023 |
13/04/2027 |
None |
Finance, Personnel, Resources |
Governor at Caister Academy |
75% |
Julia Hawkins |
Former Vice-Chair of Governors |
13/04/2015 |
13/07/2023 |
Committee Member of Acle Tennis Club |
Finance, Resources, SEN, Personnel & Safeguarding |
None |
0% |
Karen Wacey |
Former Co-Opted Governor |
13/04/2015 |
04/12/2023 |
None |
Teaching and Learning & Personnel |
None |
0% |
Elizabeth Angel |
Staff Governor |
13/05/2021 |
12/05/2025 |
Staff |
Curriculum |
None |
75% |
Annette McMylor |
Co-Opted Governor |
12/11/2023 |
11/11/2027 |
Staff |
Safeguarding, Curriculum, and Leadership & Management |
None |
100% |
Craig Robertson |
Former Co-Opted Governor |
27/01/2017 |
31/08/2022 |
Staff |
Curriculum |
None |
0% |
Lauren Gardiner |
Chair of Governors & Co-Opted Governor |
13/05/2021 |
12/05/2025 |
Director & Manager of Alternative Provision in Norwich |
Community |
None |
100% |
Anthony O' Connor |
Co-Opted Governor |
14/04/2023 |
13/04/2027 |
Staff |
Community |
None |
100% |
Carla Brightman |
Former Co-Opted Governor |
18/09/2015 |
09/02/2023 |
None |
Community |
None |
0% |
Kathryn Poll |
Former Co-Opted Governor |
18/09/2015 |
08/11/2021 |
None |
N/A |
None |
0% |
Bradley Young |
Headteacher |
01/09/2021 |
N/A |
None |
Headteacher |
None |
100% |
Dean Crosbie |
Former Parent Governor |
24/03/2022 |
21/03/2025 |
None |
Community |
Assistant Principal ENSFC |
25% |
Jessica Cleevely | Parent Governor | 1/11/2024 | 31/10/2028 | None | Community | None | 100% |